

The most common cause of spider veins is genetics, though some lifestyle choices such as hormonal birth control, obesity, smoking, and a sedentary lifestyle can increase the risk for developing spider veins by restricting circulation. These veins can appear on any part of your body, including legs, feet, chest, and face.

Spider veins refer to tiny, twisted blood vessels that appear as red, blue, or purple spider web pattern through the skin as shown below.

Spider Veins Treatment

Sclerotherapy for Spider Veins

Spider veins can disappear by managing the cause. For instance, those resulting from hormone imbalance and pregnancy can disappear a few weeks after delivery. For immediate results, you can seek treatments such as sclerotherapy.

Laser Therapy for Spider Veins

If sclerotherapy is not right for your case, your doctor may recommend laser therapy. It works more slowly than sclerotherapy, even 1-2 years for the vein to disappear. In addition, you need two or more sessions to get a positive outcome.

At-home Spider Vein Treatments

Witch hazel is claimed to have astringent properties that help to treat spider veins. Studies on animals show that hazel also makes blood vessels stronger. For the treatment, simply prepare a witch hazel solution, dip a small cotton ball and use it to apply on the affected area. Do this multiple times until you see results.

See Our Before & After Images of Vein Treatment »

Spider veins are treatable. So consult your vein specialist to find out the options available for your case.

Thread veins are the tiny blood vessels that have become dilated and are noticeable on the surface of the skin. Also referred to as “broken veins” or “spider veins”, thread veins affect nearly every part of the body, but mostly the legs because of the reduced ability of the veins to push blood to the heart with age.

There are many likely causes of thread veins, including genetics, hormonal changes, sunbathing, obesity, and steroid medicines, among others. Being on your feet for extended periods can make the veins more pronounced, but they do not affect your health.

Get Rid of Thread Veins on Legs

If you wish to get rid of thread veins on your legs, your doctor may recommend a few treatments, including:

  • Laser therapy – The specialist applies pulses of laser light to destroy the tiny blood cells. For thin red veins close to the surface, the specialist may use a pulsed dye laser. But for the deeper blue veins, a YAG laser with a longer wavelength may be necessary to reach them.
  • Sclerotherapy – This treatment is recommended for veins bigger than 4mm. The specialist inserts a tiny needle and injects a solution to destroy the vein walls. This causes the vein to shrink and disappear gradually, over a period of 8 weeks.
  • Electrolysis – This treatment is rarely used

Most clinics use a combination of sclerotherapy and laser therapy. The former helps to remove the larger veins, while laser therapy helps to clear up the area. The treatments are spaced about 8 weeks apart. With 3 treatments, it may take 6 months for you to achieve the final result.