

Seasonal changes can have a big impact on varicose veins. Those swollen, twisted veins that often appear blue or dark purple will occur when the valves in the veins become weak or damaged. This causes blood to pool instead of flowing smoothly back to the heart. You can spot the varicose veins making appearances in different parts of your body, especially in the legs.

Staying mindful of how the seasons change and adopting lifestyle changes can help you manage the symptoms of varicose veins.

Are you someone dealing with varicose veins and are dwelling in Beverly Hills? The summers are warm, arid and clear, while the winters are long, cool, wet and partially cloudy in this region. To help you out, our experts from the varicose vein treatment center are here with essential seasonal tips for managing varicose veins.

How can seasonal shifts affect the varicose veins in individuals?

If you are coping with varicose veins, it’s necessary to be cautious about how you take care during the seasonal changes. Because when the weather gets colder, your veins can constrict more, meaning the blood flow isn’t smooth and causes discomfort. Also, pay attention to how you dress up for this season. 

If you aren’t layering up enough, your body has to put in that extra effort to stay warm. This can add more pressure to those already stressed veins.

On the other hand, the summertime can be a tough time for people with varicose veins. When it gets hot outside, the circulatory system responds by enlarging the veins, a process called vasodilation. This improves blood flow and cools us down. However, with all that extra blood flowing, varicose veins can expand even more, adding to the discomfort.

So, keeping an eye on your self-care routine during these seasonal shifts can really help manage those varicose veins and keep you feeling more comfortable.

Not sure if it’s varicose veins? Get varicose vein testing in Oxnard to find out.


10 seasonal tips for managing varicose veins better:

  • When seated, don’t forget to raise your legs

If your job requires a lot of sitting or simply you sit for the maximum amount of time, then practice elevating your legs. Lifting your legs doesn’t mean that you must simply place a chair and stretch your legs.

What you should do is raise them above the level of your heart. By doing so, you reduce pressure in the veins and facilitate proper blood flow. So, next time when you sit down to relax, ensure your legs are up on pillows or cushions.

As a seasonal tip, let’s say you visit the beach during the summer; try to find an incline there. You get ample comfort for your varicose veins.

  • Choose loose-fitting clothes, especially during summer

Didn’t you just compare wearing tight clothes with the compression stockings? Well, then first let’s clear the air that wearing tight clothes, especially in your lower parts of your body where varicose veins are highly visible, has very different effects on your body.

Compression stockings are medically designed to provide controlled pressure to your legs. Whereas the tight clothes might feel snug, especially during winters, regular tight clothes don’t provide the same graduated compression.

They tend to restrict circulation and put pressure on veins and can worsen the symptoms of varicose veins over time.

Now understood the difference?

This is why you should go for loose-fitting clothes during summer or spring, merely when you go out most. Prefer looser styles of jeans and trousers than a skinny fit or leggings. Your socks should fit comfortably rather than restricting circulation.

  • Wear comfortable footwear

Did you even know that footwear can affect varicose veins? Tight or high-heeled shoes can easily mess with your blood circulation and tend to put extra pressure on your veins. When varicose veins are also making your legs suffer with limited circulation, you worsen it with the shoes.

In addition, varicose veins can make your legs feel heavy or tired, and the wrong shoes can aggravate the problem.

So, oft in comfy shoes over fashionista ones, especially those with good support and a lower heel. This keeps the blood moving more naturally and can help prevent swelling.

  • Be careful with the fabric during the fall

Wearing breathable, non-restrictive clothing and shoes if you have varicose veins is vital. Because the ultimate goal is to aid blood circulation in your legs with varicose veins by tweaking some lifestyle changes.

So, wearing anything that restricts circulation can make things difficult. Even during fall or cooler weather conditions, avoid materials that trap heat and sweat. Because they can lead to overheating. When your body can’t cool off naturally, more blood gets pushed into the veins. 

This can intensify the varicose veins problem and make you uncomfortable. So, the key takeaway is to prioritize airflow and comfort to help keep your circulation flowing smoothly.

Are you doubtful about having varicose veins? Get a quick varicose vein testing in Thousand Oaks.

  • Compression stockings are the need of the hour

You are aware that varicose veins occur when vein valves weaken and make blood pool instead of flowing back to the heart. Here, compression stockings are medically designed socks or tights that apply gentle pressure to your legs and feet. They are made from stretchy, elastic materials and come in various styles and lengths, like knee-high, thigh-high, or full pantyhose. They apply gentle pressure to your legs, which helps the veins and muscles move blood more efficiently. 

This can reduce blood pooling and minimize the appearance of varicose veins. The interesting benefit is that wearing compression stockings regularly can really help slow down varicose veins from getting worse. 

They boost blood circulation, which means you are less likely to deal with more serious issues like skin changes, ulcers, or even blood clots. If you are on your feet a lot or tend to feel fatigued, compression stockings can provide support. So, if you want to keep your legs feeling good and avoiding complications, slipping on those stockings can make a big difference.

  • Wear compression stockings + other dresses to keep you warm during winter

When the weather cools down, you tend to rejoice. But for those people tackling varicose veins, it’s not sunshine and roses. Because cold can affect the blood circulation and can compound the varicose veins issue as your body’s circulatory system slows down during winter. To tackle the cold winter, add different layers to keep your entire legs warm, especially when you go out.

For example, tights under skirts,  jeans and winter pants, tights/thermal leggings under trousers, jeans and winter pants can be good layering choices. You could also wear thermal leggings with tunic tops or dresses and pair them with cozy layers like cardigans or oversized sweaters.

Just make sure whatever you’re wearing isn’t too tight—it’s all about staying warm without cutting off circulation.

  • Stay away from direct sun exposure

Because the skin over varicose veins can be more sensitive and prone to irritation. We understand how tempting it is to get yourself tanned in the summer. But too much sun exposure can easily make this sensitivity worse and lead to discomfort and potential skin damage. 

Plus, chances are there for discoloration or thinning due to excessive sun exposure. This is why protecting your skin from UV rays can help maintain its health and appearance.

And did you know that UV rays can trigger inflammatory responses in the skin? This may worsen the symptoms of varicose veins. High temperatures can increase the discomfort associated with varicose veins.

Learn everything about varicose veins in Beverly Hills by visiting the best varicose vein treatment center.

  • Stay hydrated

Hydration is so important. When we talk about water consumption, we remember summer. But in reality, think about this. You naturally tend to drink more water during the summer, as sweating increases thirst and water needs. But the problem we want to highlight is during the winter. 

People tend to drink fewer liquids during the winter. We get that a glass of cold water doesn’t seem appealing during a snowy feeling. But still, dehydration is a bad thing because it can lead to poor circulation that directly or indirectly affects the vein health.

Choose your way of staying hydrated. If you dislike cold beverages, go for warm herbal teas, clear broth and room-temperature water to stay hydrated.

  • Exercise, exercise, exercise

While staying active and moving around helps improve blood flow, it also greatly helps ease the varicose vein symptoms. When you exercise, your leg muscles contract and work as a pump, pushing blood back up to your heart. This cuts off the pressure on your veins.

So, regular exercise keeps you in good shape, takes some strain off your veins and may even prevent varicose veins from getting worse. Even if you don’t get to exercise, you can perform some low-impact activities such as walking, swimming or cycling as they make you move.

So, staying active can really help you manage varicose veins and keep your legs feeling better. But here’s a catch. Seasonal changes affect how active you are. You may become lazy and less interested in exercising. For example, winter might be all about cozying up indoors. While summers can encourage outdoor activity, heat can again make the symptoms more severe.

  •  Moisturize your dry skin

It’s not uncommon for the chill, dry winter air to dry out your skin, which can also affect your veins. Keeping your skin well moisturized is important not just for its health but also for supporting vein function. 

So, it’s best you opt for rich, hydrating lotion or cream that keeps your skin from drying out. By nourishing your skin regularly, you are helping to prevent dryness-related discomfort and supporting the health of your veins.


You call in for a big difference in terms of comfort and health when you manage varicose veins seasonally. Because adjusting your care with the changing seasons truly helps. So, make sure you keep moving your body when the weather is nice. Wear compression socks when it’s cooler and don’t forget to cool your legs down on hot days. These may seem like small actions. But trust us, it can make you feel better and keep your varicose veins under control. Despite the seasons, you can go on with your life with just these small tweaks.

If you are concerned about varicose veins or the symptoms are worsening during seasonal changes, get varicose vein treatment at the Center for Vein Wellness located in Thousand Oaks, Palmdale, Westlake Village and Oxnard.